Frequently Asked Questions about Surgical Site Infections

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention developed answers to frequently asked questions about surgical site infections (SSIs) to help patients understand what an SSIs are, how they are treated, understand the steps hospitals are taking to prevent SSIs and outline steps patients can take to help prevent SSIs.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions About CAUTIs

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention developed answers to frequently asked questions about catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) to help patients understand what CAUTIs are, how they are treated, understand the steps hospitals are taking to prevent CAUTIs and outline steps patients can take to help prevent CAUTIs.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

HQIC Quality Leaders Summit

Screenshot of event flyer

Join this exciting webinar to learn how the Alliant Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor (HQIC

HQIC Community of Practice Call | Patient and Family Engagement: An Intervention for Improving Patient Safety and Quality

Older man lying in hospital bed with wife at his side who listens to a nurse explain the man's diagnosis

Patient and family engagement (PFE) is an area of increasing importance for hospitals.

Reducing the Risks of Fentanyl Use in the U.S.

Reducing the Risks of Fentanyl Use in the U.S. was created in response to the increasing number of drug overdose deaths across the United States. Developed with a team from the University of Pennsylvania Center for Addiction Medicine and Policy, the video highlights the impact of fentanyl on minorities. It also addresses the need for broad awareness and education about the risks of fentanyl exposure, the warning signs of possible overdose, and the use of naloxone to counteract an overdose.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Video - Your Role in Using an Antibiotic (no music)

This interactive video, developed for use in physician office waiting rooms, teaches patients important information about antibiotics. It explains that when they are not needed, antibiotics don't help you and the side effects can hurt you. It also explains what antibiotics treat and do not treat.

This video has no audio.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Video - Your Role in Using an Antibiotic (with music)

This interactive video, developed for use in physician office waiting rooms, teaches patients important information about antibiotics. It explains that when they are not needed, antibiotics don't help you and the side effects can hurt you. It also explains what antibiotics treat and do not treat.

This video includes background music.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Preventing Medicare Fraud

Senior Medicare Patrols (SMPs) empower and assist people with Medicare, their families and caregivers to prevent, detect and report health care fraud, errors and abuse. The SMP website provides more information about Medicare schemes and how people with Medicare can help prevent fraud.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023