QIN-QIO Community of Practice Call | Addressing the Opioid Crisis: Innovation and Engagement with Nursing Homes and Communities

Image of illicit drugs including pills and needles.


HQIC Community of Practice Call | The Importance of Organizational Components in Pressure Injury Programs

Image of a foot being examined by a medical professional

Hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) affect 2.5 million patients per year in the United St

HQIC Community of Practice Call | Patient and Family Engagement: An Intervention for Improving Patient Safety and Quality

Older man lying in hospital bed with wife at his side who listens to a nurse explain the man's diagnosis

Patient and family engagement (PFE) is an area of increasing importance for hospitals.

TMF’s Persistence Helps Nursing Home Increase its Resident COVID-19 Booster Rate by More Than 50 Percent

July 18, 2023

TMF’s Persistence Helps Nursing Home Increase its Resident COVID-19 Booster Rate by More Than 50 Percent

A small nursing home in a Midwest suburb struggling to increase its resident COVID-19 booster rate was referred by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to TMF, a CMS Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) for assistance. With TMF’s help, the nursing home demonstrated a 53.5 percent increase in its resident COVID-19 booster rate from when it was first referred to the QIN-QIO and the last report to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) database in October 2022.

Navigating a Gatekeeper

Blog Topic Areas:

HQIC Community of Practice Call | Patient Safety Culture and Leadership: Reducing All Cause Harm and Achieving a Five-Star Rating

Image of medical professionals sitting around a table watching another professional speaking next to a flip chart.

CMS releases Overall Hospital Quality Star Ratings of annual clinical metrics.

Health Services Advisory Group’s Three-Pronged Approach Helps Nursing Homes Improve Vaccine Data Accuracy

July 18, 2023

Health Services Advisory Group’s Three-Pronged Approach Helps Nursing Homes Improve Vaccine Data Accuracy

Data CalloutHealth Services Advisory Group (HSAG), a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Quality Innovation Network–Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) helped more than 634 nursing homes in its two-state region improve the accuracy of their COVID-19 vaccine data in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN).

Blog Topic Areas:

Video - Your Role in Using an Antibiotic (no music)

This interactive video, developed for use in physician office waiting rooms, teaches patients important information about antibiotics. It explains that when they are not needed, antibiotics don't help you and the side effects can hurt you. It also explains what antibiotics treat and do not treat.

This video has no audio.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Video - Your Role in Using an Antibiotic (with music)

This interactive video, developed for use in physician office waiting rooms, teaches patients important information about antibiotics. It explains that when they are not needed, antibiotics don't help you and the side effects can hurt you. It also explains what antibiotics treat and do not treat.

This video includes background music.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

IPRO’s Focus on Meeting Nursing Homes Where They Are Helps a New England Facility Improve its Resident COVID-19 Booster Rate by Nearly 75 Percent

July 18, 2023

IPRO’s Focus on Meeting Nursing Homes Where They Are Helps a New England Facility Improve its Resident COVID-19 Booster Rate by Nearly 75 Percent

Nestled among the rolling hills of New England sits a 93-bed nursing facility that is home to many of the area’s former priests and nuns. The facility, known for having embraced person-centered care long before the term was common, was struggling to increase its resident COVID-19 booster rate. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) referred the nursing home to IPRO, a CMS Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) for assistance.

Blog Topic Areas:

All Cause Harm Prevention in Nursing Homes: Change Package to Prevent Harm

This Change Package, released in 2018, aims to serve as a key resource for anyone interested in improving the quality of life and quality of care for those living in nursing homes. The package is focused on the successful practices of high-performing nursing homes.

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Last Updated:
July 18, 2023