S.B.A.R. Quick Guide

This quick guide on a structured resident safety communication technique was prepared by Mountain-Pacific Quality Health to convey a great deal of information in a succinct and brief manner. S.B.A.R.- Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation.

Last Updated:
January 01, 2024

Revised CDC Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccinations

On April 19, 2023, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) amended the emergency use authorizations (EUA) of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 bivalent mRNA vaccines. Refer to this fact sheet, from provided by TMF Quality Innovation Network, for the latest recommendations.

Last Updated
January 01, 2024

COVID-19 CMS Mock Survey Tool

This resource, created by Mountain Pacific Quality Health, was developed to help nursing homes evaluate the COVID-19 infection prevention and control systems they have in place against Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services evaluation criteria.

Last Updated:
January 01, 2024

Call for Help Tool

Navigating the uncertainties of when to reach out for medical assistance can be a daunting challenge. The thin line between a minor concern and a potentially critical situation can leave somebody grappling with uncertainty, often unsure of when to call for help. Great Plains QIN team developed a When to Call for Help Tool to help you know when to call your doctor or nurse (when you are in the Yellow Zone) to prevent you from going into the Red Zone.

Last Updated:
January 01, 2024

Unit-Based Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Toolkit

Eastern US Quality Improvement Collaborative (EQIC) is pleased to share its unit-based patient safety and quality improvement toolkit, which provides guidance on strategies to engage frontline staff in quality improvement efforts, garner leadership support and develop a culture of safety through a unit-based approach. This multifaceted guide explores:

Last Updated:
December 23, 2023

High Reliability Organization (HRO) Coaching Package

This coaching package, produced by Alliant Health Solutions, includes evidence-based interventions and links to resources as well as relevant webinars. This package covers a variety of categories including:

  • Culture assessment 
  • Leadership 
  • HRO framework 
  • Staff education and training
  • Process improvement tools and more

Last Updated:
December 21, 2023

Health Equity & Person-Centered Care in Nursing Homes

By prioritizing health equity and person-centered care, nursing homes can address health disparities and disproportionate outcomes among vulnerable populations. Use this resource, developed by Telligen, to learn important updates to the minimum data set and social determinants of health in nursing homes and access health equity resources, trainings and tools to support your quality improvement efforts.

Last Updated:
December 21, 2023

Unite Against Sepsis: Collaborating to Reduce Sepsis Mortality and Improve Care Coordination

Nurse, professional and healthcare worker with tablet in medical center, clinic and hospital while analyzing test result.

Join Telligen QI Connect (HQIC and QIN-QIO programs) for a collaborative learning series aimed at

HQIC Community of Practice Call | Reducing Opioid Misuse: Leveraging Alternative Pain Management Therapies

Cheerful Asian woman in white gown sitting with elderly patient on sofa smiling at camera

Please join us for a special Community of Practice Event open to all QIO program task orders.

Leading Change (Roundtable)

This roundtable video, produced by Superior Health Quality Alliance, is a virtual learning and networking series that supports nursing homes across Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Developed for nursing home leadership, nursing home administrators, directors of nursing, infection preventionists and any interested nursing home staff to help increase education around emerging regulatory and clinical guidance, sharing best practices and engage in discussion around nursing home priority issues such as vaccinations and quality improvement approaches.

Last Updated:
December 23, 2023