Sepsis As You Age - Trifold

This is a downloadable, printable, trifold, provided by Sepsis Alliance, intended for public, patient, caregiver education on 'Sepsis As You Age'. The trifold provides an overview of the burden of sepsis, spotting an infection, why sepsis in older people is serious, treatment, and prevention information. 




Last Updated:
June 10, 2024

Sepsis and Aging Information Guide

Sepsis can and does affect people of all ages. However, more than 80% of sepsis cases occur among people aged 50 years and older. This 'Sepsis and Aging' information guide, provided by Sepsis Alliance, provides an overview of what sepsis is, how sepsis occurs, why it's so serious, how it can be prevented and treated. 




Last Updated:
June 10, 2024

When A Loved One Has Sepsis: A Caregiver's Guide

When the Faces of Sepsis section of the Sepsis Alliance site was established, they received hundreds of stories from family members who were unexpectedly placed in the position of giving care to a survivor who was left with long-lasting and life-altering complications from sepsis or septic shock. It became increasingly clear that these caregivers felt alone, without support. To address this, the Sepsis Alliance team put together a caregiver guidebook.

Last Updated:
June 10, 2024

Sepsis Facts - Fact Sheet

This educational content, provided by Sepsis Alliance, is a one-page document providing an overview of critical sepsis facts, who gets sepsis, what causes it, what are the symptoms, can it be prevented.

Last Updated:
June 10, 2024

Sepsis and Bacterial Infections - Spanish information guide

This is a downloadable, printable, information guide, provided by Sepsis Alliance, in Spanish intended for public, patient, caregiver education on 'Sepsis and Bacterial Infections'. The information guide provides an overview of the bacterial infections and sepsis.

Last Updated:
June 10, 2024

Sepsis and HAIs

A healthcare-acquired infection (HAI) is an infection that is contracted while you are in a healthcare facility, such as an acute care hospital or a skilled nursing care facility. This information guide, provided by Sepsis Alliance, reviews key about healthcare-acquired infections, prevention, and how any infections can lead to sepsis. 

Last Updated:
June 10, 2024

Long-Term Care Sepsis Screening Tool and Videos

The long-term care sepsis screening tool was created by Superior Health to help skilled nursing facilities identify residents with sepsis. It is recommended to complete the screening upon admission, with any new suspected or confirmed infections and any change in condition. Superior Health also created a two-part video series on the early recognition and management of sepsis in the long-term care setting and how to start a sepsis Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) project.

Last Updated:
May 28, 2024

HQIC Community of Practice Call | From HRO to Resiliency Engineering—The Future of Patient Safety

Outdoor Portrait Of Medical Team

Patient safety remains at the forefront of our minds.

Convergence Health Infrequent Events Calculator

Small patient volumes in rural hospitals often distort quality data. By employing innovative methods to communicate low-frequency patient safety events that reflect these small volumes, we can more accurately share our safety story and highlight the outstanding work done in rural hospitals. The Convergence Health Infrequent Events Calculator can transform your data, offering insights that go beyond a run chart to effectively convey your quality and patient safety narrative! 

Last Updated:
May 28, 2024

What Success Looks Like: Reducing Readmissions Using a Team Approach

Closeup adult daughter hugs elderly mother enjoy tender moment

Greenwood County Hospital is a 25-bed Critical Access Hospital in Eureka, Kansas with a populatio