Non-Pharmcological Interventions for Agitation in Dementia

Agitation in dementia is common, persistent and distressing and can lead to care breakdown. Medication is often ineffective and harmful. British Journal of Psychiatry article highlighting evidence-based non-pharmacological strategies for addressing agitation in dementia. This article aims to systematically review randomized controlled trial evidence regarding non-pharmacological interventions.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Positive Approach to Care

This resource was developed by Positive Approach to Care to enhance life and relationships of those living with brain change by fostering an inclusive global community.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Dementia Action Alliance

This tool was developed by Dementia Action Alliance, a non-profit national advocacy and education organization of people living with dementia, care partners, friends and dementia specialists committed to creating a better country in which to live with dementia.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Palliative Care for People with Dementia

This tool was developed by CaringKind, The Heart of Alzheimer’s Caregiving with the assistance of Comfort Matters®, to help health care providers as they implement dementia-capable palliative care.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

The American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines

This resource was developed by American Psychiatric Association to provide health care providers guidelines on how to improve the care of patients with dementia who are exhibiting agitation or psychosis as well as the judicious use of antipsychotic medications when agitation or psychosis occurs in association with dementia.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Improving Antipsychotic Appropriateness in Dementia Patients: IA-ADAPT

This website was developed by Iowa Geriatric Education Center to help health care providers and consumers better understand how to manage problem behaviors and psychosis in people with dementia using evidence-based approaches. This website offers trainings, pocket guides, and written content.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Quality Insights Hosts Webinar on Navigating Opioid Prescribing Through Four Different Health Care Environments

Navigating Opioid Prescribing Through Four Different Health Care Environments

In January, Quality Insights’ medical director, Dr.