Go Beyond They Just Lost Their Balance Root Cause of Falls and Implementing Successful Interventions

Clinician helping patient using walker

Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries for many older patients. Recurrent falls also generate enormous economic and personal costs. The risk of falling increases with age for many reasons, including diminished physical conditioning, frailty, balance problems, cognitive changes, vision and hearing deficits, medications, acute illness and other environmental hazards. However, falling is not an inevitable result of aging.

This webinar provided by Superior Health Quality Alliance for health care providers will address individual multifactorial risk assessments and targeted interventions to reduce a patient's risk of falling. Recruited participating Nursing Homes and Recruited LAN only Nursing Homes will learn how to:

  • Recognize common causes of falls in the older population​.
  • Determine the appropriate diagnostic assessment of people who fall.
  • Integrate targeted intervention and treatment strategies to reduce fall risk​.

Intended Audience
Health Care Providers

Provided by
Superior Health Quality Alliance

Last Updated:
July 31, 2024