Pioneer Network

Pioneer Network is the national leader of the culture change movement, helping care providers to transition away from a medical, institutional model of elder care to one that is life affirming, satisfying, humane and meaningful. Pioneer Network advocates for a culture of aging in which individual voices are heard and individual choices are respected. Our goal is transformational culture change in organizations to foster care that is directed by the person receiving it.

Intended Audience

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

The Geriatric Pain website was initially created to provide nurses and other staff working in long-term care environments and informal caregivers with access to free evidence-based pain assessment tools, pain management strategies, and resources to help identify and manage pain in older adults, including quality improvement processes focused on pain management. However, the site is applicable to other geriatric care settings and use by the interdisciplinary team.

Intended Audience

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Quality Assurance & Improvement Tools (QAPI) Resources

Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) is an initiative undertaken by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to expand improvement activities in nursing homes. The provision is included in the Affordable Care Act and states that QAPI programs shall develop regulations that help facilities meet new established standards. 

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

National Alzheimer's and Dementia Resource Center

The Administration on Aging/ Administration for Community Living (AoA/ACL) funds the National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center (NADRC). The goals of the NADRC include, but are not limited to, the provision of expert technical assistance to AoA/ACL and its grantees, as well as making program information and resources available to individuals and organizations outside the Alzheimer’s grantee community.

Intended Audience

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Toxic Medicine: What You Should Know to Fight the Misuse of Psychoactive Drugs

This guide is part of CANHR’s Campaign to Stop Chemical Restraints in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. Ending the misuse of psychoactive drugs is one of CANHR’s top priorities because over drugging is a leading cause of misery, neglect and death for residents who suffer from dementia. It is possible to stop a loved one from being drugged by a nursing home. This Guide gives you important facts about psychoactive drugs and advice on how to stop their inappropriate use.

Intended Audience

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

The Eldercare Method

The Eldercare Method is a systematic process of behavioral health consultation designed for use within long term care settings. It is based upon a clinical model of geriatric behavioral health care developed by a psychologist, Kelly O’Shea Carney, PhD, CMC. The Eldercare Method, which is intended to provide services that extend beyond traditional behavioral health services, is predicated upon the logic of offering “wrap around” care to elders within long term care.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Quality Insights Hosts Webinar on Navigating Opioid Prescribing Through Four Different Health Care Environments

Navigating Opioid Prescribing Through Four Different Health Care Environments

In January, Quality Insights’ medical director, Dr.

Reducing Hospital Readmissions by Partnering with Skilled Nursing Facilities

Image of man pushing his father in a wheel chair while a nurse waves at them.

In this session, the Eastern Quality Improvement Collaborative (EQIC) will introduce its “Reducin

Vaccination, Treatment Plans and the Use of Therapeutics Improve Outcomes for Nursing Home Residents Diagnosed with COVID-19

July 18, 2023

Vaccination, Treatment Plans and the Use of Therapeutics Improve Outcomes for Nursing Home Residents Diagnosed with COVID-19

Nursing home residents are nearly all at risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes, including hospitalization and death. Vaccination offers the best protection against severe outcomes and can prevent the spread of infection. However, developing treatment plans for each resident in case of infection and administering COVID-19 therapeutics at the onset of symptoms are additional strategies that support better resident outcomes.

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