Improving Vaccine Uptake Among Nursing Home Staff Through Motivational Interviewing Techniques

July 18, 2023

Improving Vaccine Uptake Among Nursing Home Staff Through Motivational Interviewing Techniques

Health Services Advisory Group (HSAG), the Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) for Arizona and California, started working on Motivational Interviewing in the spring of 2021 as a tool to help nursing homes improve uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Slow vaccine uptake at nursing homes has been identified as a key challenge. Given that, how did you choose Motivational Interviewing as a technique to help overcome vaccine hesitancy?

Blog Topic Areas:

Medicare and You Handbook

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) “Medicare & You” handbook is mailed to all Medicare households each fall. It includes a summary of Medicare benefits, rights, and protections; lists of available health and drug plans; and answers to frequently asked questions about Medicare.

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Vaccine Information Statements

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Billing and Coding Toolkit for Flu Shot Providers

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A link to additional resources is also provided.

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