HQIC Quality Leaders Summit

Screenshot of event flyer

Join this exciting webinar to learn how the Alliant Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor (HQIC

HQIC Community of Practice Call | Promoting Zero Harm Through Tiered Briefs

Image depicting a social network concept.

Unprecedented staffing challenges and supply shortages across the health care continuum are leadi

Compass HQIC Podcast: Pressure Injury Prevention

In this episode of the Compass HQIC Network Podcast series, health care providers will learn why interdisciplinary collaboration is essential to pressure injury prevention. The speaker, Jackie Conrad, MBA, BS, RN, RCC, is an improvement advisor and leadership coach at Cynosure Health.The duration of this episode is less than 20 minutes.



Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Compass HQIC Network Podcast: Medication Reconciliation

In this episode of the Compass HQIC Network Podcast series, health care providers will learn how to avoid adverse drug events (ADE) through appropriate medication reconciliation. The duration of this episode is less than 20 minutes.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Compass HQIC Network Podcast: Sepsis Physician Education

In this episode of the Compass HQIC Network Podcast series, physicians will learn how to identify sepsis in its early stages and manage this life-threatening condition. The speaker, Pat Rosa, RN, BSN, MSA, CCRN-K, FAAN, UH/CVC, is the Quality and Patient Safety Program Manager at Michigan Medicine. The duration of this episode is less than 20 minutes.


Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Compass HQIC Network Podcast: Sepsis Nurse Education

In this episode of the Compass HQIC Network Podcast series, health care providers will learn how to identify sepsis in its early stages and manage this life-threatening condition. The speaker, Pat Rosa, RN, BSN, MSA, CCRN-K, FAAN, UH/CVC, is the the Quality and Patient Safety Program Manager at Michigan Medicine. The duration of this episode is less than 15 minutes.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023