Improving Health in Rural Communities: 2021 Year in Review

Rural, frontier, tribal, and island communities face structural barriers to achieving equitable health outcomes, including practitioner shortages, hospital closures, and long travel distances to access care. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is committed to working with rural communities to address these barriers and build on existing advancements to achieve optimal outcomes for all rural Americans.

Intended Audience

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Quality Co-Op Resources

Quality Co-Op is a suite of new, members-only features on that launched on January 31, 2022 to encourage collaboration and coordination among NQIIC teams.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

National Nursing Home Stakeholder Call

Nursing Home Administrator

Join the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Centers for Disease Control a

Infection Prevention and Control Risk Assessments for COVID-19

As hospitals prepare for more COVID-19 surges, it is important to have infection control practices in place that align with CMS goals for COVID-19 prevention and control. In this webinar hosted by Meg Nugent, Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor (HQIC) program manager at Telligen, you’ll learn how your care team can lock in infection control processes that ensure safe, quality care that meets regulatory compliance expectations during COVID-19 surges by:

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Using the Comprehensive Hospital Pandemic Preparedness Checklist for COVID-19

It is not a matter of if, but when. Use of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC’s) pandemic preparedness checklist can help position your facility to be prepared to identify and treat cases of COVID-19, including a potential surge in cases, and how to prevent the spread of disease in your facility. In this webinar hosted by Brianna Gass, you’ll learn:

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

HQIC Community of Practice Call: Implementation and Improvement Tips of Sepsis Bundles

woman in mask

Sepsis is one of the leading causes of death in hospitals, with at least 1.7 million people in th

Universal PPE Best Practices & Role of a Trained Observer

The theory behind personal protective equipment (PPE) is simple, but working in a fast-paced, overburdened environment can cause lapses in protocol and best practices. Proper wear/​disposal and a reliable observer or buddy can minimize the chance of infection and possible outbreaks. In this webinar hosted by Brian Gardiner, BA, BSN, RN, you’ll learn:

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023

Behavior, Behavior Change and Hand Hygiene

Everyone in health care knows how to wash their hands. So why is it so hard to practice thoroughly and consistently? In this webinar hosted by Jane Brock, MD, MSPH, you’ll learn:

Last Updated:
October 31, 2023

HQIC Community of Practice Call: The Impact of Meaningful Medication Reconciliation on Adverse Drug Events

Care team

Despite heightened awareness, adverse drug events (ADEs) continue to occur and are often preventa

Readmissions Care Partner Sprint Syllabus

The Readmission Care Partner sprint, provided by the Eastern U.S. Quality Improvement Collaborative (HANYS Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor), allows hospitals to engage in an improvement project focused on the development or enhancement of their care partner programs. This comprehensive clinical delivery program supports hospitals and systems in operationalizing patient-centered care and the engagement of the patient and care partners throughout the hospital stay and beyond.

Last Updated:
July 18, 2023