Tools & Resources

Changing Communities, Saving Lives with NFL Alumnus Randy Grimes

QIO Program Admin
QIO Program Admin • January 11, 2024
Image of pill bottle on its side with round white pills spilling out

Designed to empower coalitions and equip them with tools to drive change, the Opioid Action Collaborative, led by Telligen, provided a platform for peer-to-peer learning and sharing among community coalitions and healthcare providers. Participants learned new techniques and interventions that they can apply to improve opioid-related outcomes in their communities. Specifically, participants learned:

  • How to identify key organizational roles and resources within their community coalition
  • The importance of language in treating substance use disorders (SUD)
  • How to describe indications for academic detailing and process for identifying detailers
  • How to identify supporting resources and tools for implementing evidence-based interventions into their care setting

In this session recording, participants heard from NFL alumnus Randy Grimes and his experience with substance use disorder.